Ecumeny and Law
„Ecumeny and Law” 2013, No. 1: Marriage covenant – paradigm of encounter of the „de matrimonio” thought of the East and West
Zygfryd Glaeser, Marek Petro, Teodosie Petrescu, Andrzej Pastwa, Urszula Nowicka, Damián Němec, Piotr Kroczek, Tadeusz Kałużny, Leszek Adamowicz, Tomasz Gałkowski, Ginter Dzierżon, Nicolae V. Dură, Pavol Dancák, František Čitbaj, Józef Budniak, Paweł Bortkiewicz, red. Andrzej Pastwa
An open forum provided for the legal thought, gives the Church an occasion to engage in dialogue with the world that concerns the way of implementing such universal principles as: respect for life, dignity and rights of the human being, freedom, tolerance and, in a wider social dimension – advocating the value of marriage, family, as well as solidarity with the less fortunate. The need to perpetuate this dialogue has found its actualization in a new canonic periodical Ecumeny and Law. Therein, the meeting of theologians representing various Christian Churches, and more broadly, the encounter of scholars affiliated to ecumenical movement, with the representatives of legal studies – has as its aim the demonstration of full ecumenical potential of the canon law. The kernel of this dialogue is to call for human being’s subjectivity and unalienable rights, to champion justice, which – in practical terms translates into ensuring the “here-and-now” justice within the basic communities: marriages and families, and consequently – within the societies and nations of nowadays Europe.
The said perspective, universal in its humanism, is a guiding principle for the Authors/co-creators of the 1st volume of the journal. Suffice it to mention just the two titles of the articles that open, respectively – Part One entitled “Ecumenical Theological Thought”, namely “Marriage: the Project of Culture or Faith?” by P. Bortkiewicz, and Part Two (“Ecumenical Juridical Thought”), that is T. Gałkowski’s “The Matrimonial Covenant as the Nature of Things…”. Indeed, what testifies to the above-mentioned universalism is the entire contents of the volume 1 (supplemented with the “Reviews”, that is Part Three) due to the abundance of the presented ecclesiastical traditions, entailing the multitude of perspectives, standpoint and theological orientations in pondering the momentous issues of marriage (and family). As the title suggests, the articles included in the volume constitute an attempt to look at marriage through a prism of provided by the category of “covenant”. Whether or not the Authors were right in taking the liberty of assuming the said notion as the paradigm of encounter of the East and West, remains for the Readers to decide.
Part One
Ecumenical Theological Thought
- Paweł Bortkiewicz, Marriage: The Project of Culture or Faith?
- Tadeusz Kałużny, Indissolubility of Marriage from the Lutheran Perspective
- Marek Petro, Marriage and Family under Tutelage of the Greek Catholic Church in Slovakia
- Pavol Dancak, Issue of Acceptance of Teachings on Marriage by the Faithful of Religious
- Denominations in Selected Regions of Eastern Slovakia
- Jozef Budniak, “Sunday belongs to the Lord and to us” — in Roman Catholic-Lutheran Families
Part Two
Ecumenical Juridical Thought
- Tomasz Gałkowski, The Matrimonial Covenant as the Nature of Things (of Marriage)
- Andrzej Pastwa, Marriage Covenant in Catholic Doctrine: The Pastoral Constitution on the Church Gaudium et Spes – the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio – the Code of Canon Law – the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches
- Nicolae V. Dură, Teodosie Petrescu, The Mixed Marriages According to the Orthodox Canonical Legislation (3rd-7th centuries)
- František Čitbaj, Situation of Canonical, Mixed Catholic-Orthodox M_arriages in Slovakia in the Historical and Contemporary Context
- Damian Němec, On the Concept of the Sacramentality of Marriage in the Czechoslovak Hussite Church
- Piotr Kroczek, Marriage in Catholic and Lutheran Approach as a Paradigm for Polish Legislator
- Leszek Adamowicz, Free State Declaration of Non-Catholic Persons before Celebrating of Canonical Marriage
Part Three
- Oltre la divisione. L’intuizione ecumenica e il dialogo interreligioso. A Pacini. Milano 2011, 288 pp. — Urszula Nowicka
- Glaubigkeit und Recht und Freiheit. Okumenische Perspektiven des katholischen
Kirchenrechts. Hg. Wolfgang Bock. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. Gottingen
2006, 140 pp. — Andrzej Pastwa - Konrad Dietmar: Der Rang und die grundlegende Bedeutung des Kirchenrechts im Verstandnis der evangelischen und katholischen Kirche. Jus Ecclesiasticum. Bd. 93. Mohr Siebeck. Tubengen 2010, 516 pp. — Andrzej Pastwa
- Józef Budniak: Jednoczeni w rożnorodności. Tradycja cyrylo-metodiańska jako paradygmat procesu pojednania. Kościołow, kultur i narodow. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. Katowice 2009, 295 pp. — Zygfryd Glaeser
- Mężczyzną i niewiastą stworzył ich. Afirmacja osoby ludzkiej odpowiedzią nauk teologicznych na ideologiczną uzurpację genderyzmu (He Created Them Male and Female. Human Being Affirmation as an Answer of Theological Teaching to the Usurpation of the Gender Ideology). Red. Andrzej Pastwa. In: „Studia Teologiczne i Humanistyczne” 2012, — Ginter Dzierżon
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„Ecumeny and Law” 2014, Vol. 2: Sovereign Family
Marian Machinek, Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Lucjan Świto, Wojciech Świątkiewicz, Jerzy Szymik, Elżbieta Szczot, Marcin Składanowski, Stanislav Přibyl, Teodosie Petrescu, Andrzej Pastwa, Urszula Nowicka, Damián Němec, Cătălina Mititelu, Leszek Adamowicz, Piotr Kroczek, Helena Hrehova, Edward Górecki, Wojciech Góralski, Tomasz Gałkowski, Nicolae V. Dură, Michał Drożdż, Alojzy Drożdż, Pavol Dancák, František Čitbaj, Bogdan Chiriluţă, Ireneusz Celary, Józef Budniak, red. Andrzej Pastwa
The subject of the second volume of the annual “Ecumeny and Law” is a paradigm of family sovereignty. The elementary source of the scientific contemplation conducted here is an important document of the Holy See: Charter of the Rights of the Family (1983). The authors of this volume refer to the Christian roots of civilization/European culture, one pillar of which is the institution of family. The text opening the volume, by prof. Wojciech Świątkiewicz, discusses the contemporary disturbing trends aiming at reformulating this natural institution. What is conducive to this phenomenon is the situation of axiological instability, which determined the conditions of realization of both a human being, as well as the above mentioned “fundamental social unit” In turn, prof. Marian Machinek depicts in his text how the so far widely recognized essentials, which lie at the foundation of family, were contrasted with “modern” axio-normative guidelines: Yogyakarta Principles (2006). It is about a document which constitutes a set of “liberal” directives (eruption of the gender ideology) for the UN member states. The authors of the texts from the legal sections of the volume choose the successive articles of the Charter of the Rights of the Family as the point of reference for complementarily programmed analyses. The expanded review section constitutes a critical presentation of interesting books, mainly form the field of widely understood ecumeny.
Part One
Ecumenical Theological Thought
- Wojciech Świątkiewicz, The Value-Oriented Meaning of the Family and Its Contemporary Transformations
- Marian Machinek, The Charter of the Rights of the Family and the Yogyakarta Principles. Two Worlds
- Pavol Dancak, Reflection on the Family at the Beginning of the 21st Century
- Jozef Budniak, Pastoral Counselling of Multi-Religious Families Based on Examples from Bielsko-Żywiec Diocese
- Marcin Składanowski, The Cultural, National and Religious Identity of the Inhabitants of the Polish-Belarusian Borderland: Historical Experiences as a Factor in Shaping the Contemporary Podlasie Region
Part Two
Ecumenical Juridical Thought
- Wojciech Goralski, Family as a Sovereign Institution
- Tomasz Gałkowski, The Charter of the Rights of the Family in the Context of Theology of Law
- Nicolae Dură, Teodosie Petrescu, Institution of the Family according to the Teaching of the Orthodox Church
- Piotr Kroczek, The Rights of the Family in the Vision of the Evangelical Church
- Damian Němec, Pastoral Vision of the Rights of the Family in the Catholic Church
- Lucjan Świto, Legal Protection of the Institutional Value of Marriage
- Andrzej Pastwa, The Right to Found a Family and the Right to Parenthood. Remarks on Articles 2 and 3 of the Charter of the Rights of the Family
- Urszula Nowicka, The Right to Freedom of Spouse Choice and Religious Upbringing of Children (CRF, Articles 2 and 7)
- Elżbieta Szczot, The Right to Work and Family Wage. Some Reflections on Article 10 of the Charter of the Rights of the Family from the Polish Perspective
- Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Protection of the Family in the Family Policy of the
- State: Legal, Social and Economic Aspects
Cătălina Mititelu, Bogdan Chiriluţă, The Christian Family in the Light of the Nomocanonical Legislation Printed in Romanian Language in the 17th Century - František Čitbaj, Civil Effects of Entering Into Canonical Marriage according to Laws of the Slovak Republic
- Leszek Adamowicz, Law and Pastoral Care: Reflections of Three Popes
Part Three
- Intelektualne i duchowe dziedzictwo Cyryla i Metodego. Historia i aktualność tradycji cyrylo-metodiańskiej. Eds. Jozef Budniak, Andrzej Kasperek. Polska Akademia Nauk. Studio NOA. Katowice 2014, 198 pp. — Helena Hrehova
- Urszula Nowicka: Stwierdzenie stanu wolnego wiernych prawosławnych na forum kościoła. Warszawa 2012, 424 pp.— Edward Górecki
- Juan Jose Perez-Soba: Amore: introduzione a un mistero. Amore umano, 13. Cantagalli Siena 2012, 430 pp. — Alojzy Drożdż
- Beziehung leben zwischen Ideal und Wirklichkeit. Eds. W. Krieger, B. Sieberer. Edition Kirchen — Zeit — Geschichte. Linz 2010, 198 pp. — Ireneusz Celary
- Tadeusz Dzidek: Funkcje sztuki w teologii. Wydawnictwo WAM. Krakow 2013, 170 pp. — Jerzy Szymik
- Leonardo Paris: Sulla liberta. Prospettive di teologia trinitaria tra neuroscienze e filosofia. Citta Nuova. Roma 401 pp. — Michał Drożdż
- Constans et perpetua voluntas. Pocta Petrovi Blahovi k 75. Narodeninam Eds. Peter Mach, Matej Pekarik and Vojtech Vladar. Trnavska univerzita v Trnave, Pravnicka fakulta, Trnava 2014, pp. 763 — Stanislav Přibyl
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„Ecumeny and Law” 2015, Vol. 3: Welfare of the Child: Welfare of Family, Church, and Society
Stanisława Mielimąka, Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Lucjan Świto, Elżbieta Szczot, Jerzy Sojka, Robert Samsel, Marek Rembierz, Stanislav Přibyl, Teodosie Petrescu, Damián Němec, Cătălina Mititelu, Leszek Adamowicz, Monika Menke, Jacek Kurzępa, Piotr Kroczek, Helena Hrehova, Wojciech Góralski, Aneta Gawkowska, Tomasz Gałkowski, Silvia Gáliková, Nicolae V. Dură, Józef Budniak, Paweł Bortkiewicz, red. Andrzej Pastwa
Another volume of the annual “Ecumeny and Law” constitutes a fruit of a ecumenical and legal contemplation, undertaken in an interdisciplinary formula, around important and timely problems of protection/promotion of the rights of children. The general intention of the Authors of the volume (mainly lawyers, but also representatives of different fields of science) is the affirmation of paradigms connected with these problems, including the identification of postmodernist threats. It is already well presented by the first text prepared prof. Bortkiewicz. Not uncommonly it happens that arguments are mooted (e.g. within the plane of bioethics) regarding the right to have or not have a child. As the Author infers, such concepts obviously infringe the desired symmetry with detriment to the weakest – claims in relation to the child are not balanced by the rights of a child. Therefore, promoting these ideas and their presence in the acts of statutory law has to be a subject of Church’s criticism. Instead of the claims towards a child, the Church, by the means of John Paul II’s words, formulates the Charter of the Rights of the Child. The main problem axis of the volume is defined by the objective conventional law and, first and foremost, the successive articles of the United Nations 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child – starting from securing the right of a child to life and identity (T. Gałkowski), to the legal protection of a child against violence (M. Tomkiewicz). The review section includes a presentation of interesting books, mostly related to the subject matter of the volume.
Part One
Ecumenical Theological Thought
- Paweł Bortkiewicz, Rights (Claims) of Parents and the Child’s Welfare
- Aneta Gawkowska, Children, Common Good, and Society
- Helena Hrehova, The Good of the Child – the Good of the Family, the Church and Society
- Jacek Kurzępa, Social Determinants of the Significance of a Child in a Micro- and Mezosocial Perspective
- Stanisława Mielimąka, The Art of Communicating with a Child
- Robert Samsel, Roman Catholic-Anglican Mixed Marriages in Ecumenical Dialogue and Pastoral Practice
- Jozef Budniak, Religious Education of Children in Families of Different Confessions
Part Two
Ecumenical Juridical Thought
- Nicolae V. Dură, † Teodosie Petrescu, Children’s Rights. Provisions of Certain International Conventions
- Cătălina Mititelu, The Children’s Rights. Regulations and Rules of International Law
- Wojciech Goralski, An Infant in Codex Iuris Canonici
- Lucjan Świto, Legal Protection of the Unborn Child
- Damian Němec, Protection of Minors in the Current Canon Law
- Stanislav Přibyl, The Sacrament of Confirmation: From Being Educated in Faith to Christian Maturity
- Tomasz Gałkowski, The Right of the Child to Life and to Preserve His or Her Identity
- Andrzej Pastwa, The Right of the Child to be Raised in a Family. Around the Current Issues
- Elżbieta Szczot, The Right of the Child to Decent Social Conditions and Education
- Leszek Adamowicz, The Right of the Child to Access Information and to Express the Views Freely
- Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Legal Protection of the Child from Violence and the Detention of Minor Foreigners in Poland
- Piotr Kroczek, Does the Catholic Vision of the Principle of Subsidiarity Pertain to Polish Family Law?
Part Three
- Kobieta w Kościele i w społeczeństwie (Woman in the Church and Society) Ed. Andrzej Pastwa. Księgarnia św. Jacka, Katowice, Wydział Teologiczny UŚ Katowice 2014 — Silvia Galikova
- W orbicie zasady „odpowiedzalnego rodzicielstwa”. Adekwatne zrozumienie pojęcia bonum prolis wyzwaniem dla wspołczesnej kanonistyki. (Within the Orbit of the “Responsible Parenthood” Principle. Appropriate Understanding of bonum prolis as a Challenge for Contemporary Canonistics). Ed. Andrzej Pastwa. Katowice 2014. 133 pp. — Monika Menke
- Grzegorz Grzybek: Etos życia. Wychowanie do małżeństwa w założeniach etyki rozwoju (The Ethos of Life. The Marriage Education in the Premises of the Development Ethics). University of Rzeszow Publishing House. Rzeszow 2014, 176 pp. — Marek Rembierz
- Od konfliktu do komunii. Luterańsko-katolickie upamiętnienie Reformacji w 2017 roku. Wydawnictwo Warto. Dzięgielow 2013 — Jerzy Sojka
- Piotr Jaskoła: Problem małżeństwa w relacjach ewangelicko-rzymskokatolickich. Historia i perspektywy nowych rozwiązań. Opole 2013, 310 pp. — Piotr Kroczek
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„Ecumeny and Law” 2016, Vol. 4: Religious Freedom Today
Stanislav Přibyl, Volodymyr Vakin, Jerzy Szymik, Jerzy Sojka, Jan Słomka, Daniel Slivka, Piotr Ryguła, Marek Rembierz, Wilhelm Rees, Stanislav Přibyl, Józef Budniak, Stanislav Přibyl, Teodosie Petrescu, Damián Němec, Cătălina Mititelu, Andrzej Halemba, Stephan Haering, Nicolae V. Dură, Bogdan Chiriluţă, red. Andrzej Pastwa
An ecumenical-legal reflection that constitutes the pivot of Ecumeny and Law annual’s volume 4 is embedded in the famous adage by St. Augustine: credere non potest homo, nisi volens, which – in a renewed form – became an indispensable part of, among others, Vatican II Dignitatis humanae declaration (1965). The right to religious freedom as such is enrooted in a human person’s dignity in accordance with standards provided by the adequate anthropology – the foregoing thought finds its exemplification in particular articles in the first, theological, part of the present volume. Aside from the historical reference (J. Słomka), the bulk of the texts devoted to the titular religious freedom aims at deciphering the contemporary “signs of the times.” What brings about the universal (ecumenical) framework for the idea in question is Theologia Benedicta. At least two of the conclusions arrived at based on the thought of Pope Ratzinger, deserve our undivided attention: first of all, the biblical-theological concept of freedom differs radically from the Enlightenment-liberal one (the former is distinguished not so much by the freedom of choice, as by the ontic freedom of the being/human); secondly, every instance of considering freedom in abstraction from the religious fundamentals is doomed to ideologically skew it, which is exhibited by, for example, modern and contemporary liberal worldviews slowly morphing into socio-political totalitarian systems (J. Szymik). The opposite ‟pole” of the volume is represented by an article reflecting on the tragic position of Christians and followers of other religions in the Middle Eastern and northern-African countries, who are suffering under the yoke of aggressive religious fundamentalism. The present situation requires not only immediate political solutions, but also an authentic dialogue between representatives of various Christian Churches and Islam – with an aim of ensuring peace, justice, and religious freedom (A. Halemba). An article opening the legal part of the volume – while perpetuating the standpoint of previously presented theological doctrine – provides scholarly arguments to rebuke the distortion of the sensitive relationship of law with religious freedom; the said distortion is actualized either by blurring the differences between canonical and secular takes on the law-religious freedom relation, or within the area of ius Ecclesiae itself – by, be it consciously or not, trivializing the “systemic” meaning of the law to religious freedom. The consecutive texts, which are crucial in reflecting on the volume’s eponymous focus, represent elaborations by outstanding experts of confessional law that broadly discuss the origin, development, and contemporary trends in the field of the fundamental right to religious freedom in the legal systems of such countries as: Germany, Austria, Spain, Romania, and the Czech Republic. As usual, the volume includes the reviews of recently published books.
Part One
Ecumenical Theological Thought
- Jan Słomka, Augustine’s Argumentation against Religious Freedom
- Jerzy Szymik, Freedom and Christology according to Theologiae Benedictae. Two Concepts, Two Anthropologies, One Logos/Son
- Jerzy Sojka, Religious Freedom in the Doctrine of the Evangelical (Lutheran) Church of the Augsburg Confession
- Volodymyr Vakin, The Role of Christian Freedom in the Light of the Orthodox Church’s Teachings in a Secularized Society
- Andrzej Halemba, Religious Freedom in the Middle East
Part Two
Ecumenical Juridical Thought
- Andrzej Pastwa, The Law of the Church — the Law of Freedom
- Stanislav Přibyl, Freedom of Conscience in the Code of Canon Law
- Piotr Ryguła, Religious Freedom in Spain
- Stephan Haering, The Basic Right of the Freedom of Religion in Germany: Constitutional Legal Concept and Current Tendencies
- Wilhelm Rees, The Rights to Religious Freedom and Beliefs — Development, Legal Foundations, and Recent Trends in Austria
- † Teodosie Petrescu, Bogdan Chiriluţă, Religious Freedom in Romania
- Nicolae V. Dură, From the Church Autonomy of the Archbishop Andrei Şaguna to the Autonomy of the Religious Denominations in the Romanian State: Ecclesiological-Canonical Considerations
- Damian Němec, Conscientious Objection in Current Czech Law
- Cătălina Mititelu, The Autonomy of Religious Denominations in Romania
Part Three
- Philosophy and Canon Law. Vol. 1: The Family Institution: Identity, Sovereignty,
Social Dimension. Ed. A. Pastwa — Daniel Slivka - Encyklopedia ekumenizmu w Polsce (1964—2014) [Encyclopedia of Ecumenism
in Poland (1964—2014)]. Eds. J. Budniak, Z. Glaeser, T. Kałużny, Z. Kijas — Jozef Budniak - Society under Construction — Opportunities and Risks. Ed. P. Bałdys, K. Piątek — Marek Rembierz
- Monika Menke: Cirkevni soudnictvi v českych zemich v obdobi kodifikovaneho prava — Stanislav Přibyl
- Dokumenty tridentskeho koncilu (latinsky text a překlad do češtiny). Trans. I. A. Hrdina — Damian Němec
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„Ecumeny and Law” 2017, Vol. 5: Youth – Church – Evangelism
Stanisława Mielimąka, Arkadiusz Wuwer, Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Lucjan Świto, Wojciech Świątkiewicz, Przemysław Sawa, Stanislav Přibyl, Andrzej Pastwa, Adam Palion, Damián Němec, Cătălina Mititelu, Aleksander R. Bańka, Michał Mielimąka, Monika Menke, Jacek Kurzępa, Lucjan Klimsza, Zbigniew Janczewski, Nicolae V. Dură, Michał Drożdż, Alojzy Drożdż, Pavol Dancák, Józef Budniak, red. Andrzej Pastwa
The scientific contemplation in the fifth volume of the annual “Ecumeny and Law” touches upon the problem of life projects of the contemporary youth, oriented towards self-discovery, self-development, self-fulfillment and – so desirable – achieving personal happiness. This all in the conditions of the contemporary rapid cultural transformations and “axiological warpedness” – should we use the metaphor of the author of the first text Prof. Świątkiewicz. In this respect, the Church has an invaluable integrating role – with its universal evangelizing message, addressed directly to young people. This is primarily about the defense/promotion of family institutions. “The pro-family movements focused around the Catholic Church or legitimized Christian axiology, pro-life movements that largely gather youth, create socio-cultural conditions for restoring the family’s privileged place in society” (W. Świątkiewicz). The dynamic involvement of churches and religious communities gives a chance to effectively undertake other serious challenges of modern times, which are written by authors of the subsequent texts: affirmation of a woman and her position in society (S. Milemąka, M. Mielimąka), presence of a transcendental dimension in education (P. Dancák) as well as the assimilation by the contemporary youth of the strategy of not “leaving the ramparts” of values as an antidote to dehumanization and desacralization of the everyday space (J. Kurzępa). Finally, rhetorical questions, inspiring young people’s thought, posed by last authors in this section: “Is there any other Christianity than the authentic one? Is there another faith than the alive one?”(A. Bańka), should not we strive for “a new form of Catholic spirituality, which can be described?” (P. Sawa). Problems outlined this way are – in the legal section – firstly dealt with by the Orthodox canonists. The truth that the Church received from her Founder Jesus Christ, the right to proclaim his Gospel to all nations, should constantly find its modern full update in the law of its own Churches, and by the means of its universalism effectively affect state legislation and international law (C. Mititelu). In particular, “the Right to Freedom of Conscience entitles any human being to make known the doctrine of his/her Religion, both through missionary activities and religious education in Confessional and State Schools” (N. V. Dură).” Prof. Janczewski’s text, presenting the Catholic position under the title The Sacrament of Confirmation as Calling Young People to the Evangelization, well introduces to further legal and canonical approaches: contemporary youth and preparation: to priesthood (D. Němec), to family life (M. Tomkiewicz), to religious life (M. Menke). The two authors inscribe in the title context the proposals for a contemporary understanding of the traditional canonical institutions: Ius connubii (A. Pastwa), favor matrimonii (L. Świto). The legal and pastoral development of the topic on the example of the Czech Republic closes the legal part of the volume: “The Catholic, Greek-Catholics, Orthodox Church and the other Christian Belarussians. S. Přibyl). As usual, the volume is enriched by reviews of interesting books.
Part One
Ecumenical Theological Thought
- Wojciech Świątkiewicz, Marriage and Family in Life Projects of Contemporary Youth
- Stanisława Mielimąka, Michał Mielimąka, The Challenges of Becoming a Woman
- Pavol Dancák, The Ethos of Education and the Ethos of Christianity
- Jacek Kurzępa, Conditions of an Effective Dialog with the Contemporary Youth
- Aleksander Bańka, Youth and Experience of Alive Faith. The Essential Aspects of Path to Christian Maturity
- Przemysław Sawa, Is that a Really New Spirituality? Basics and Signs of the Spirituality of the New Evangelization – the Case of Poland
Part One
Ecumenical Theological Thought
- Cătălina Mititelu, The “Globalization Era” and the Right of the Church to Preach the Gospel to All Peoples. Canonical-Juridical Considerations and Assessments
- Nicolae V. Dură, The Right to the “Freedom of Conscience”, Legal Basis for the Educational and Missionary Activity of Religious Cults
- Zbigniew Janczewski, The Sacrament of Confirmation as Calling Young People to the Evangelization
- Damián Němec, Contemporary Youth and the Preparation for Priesthood
- Małgorzata Tomkiewicz, Modern Youth vs. Preparation for Family Life. Legal Issues
- Monika Menke, Young People at Present and their Preparation for Religious Life
- Andrzej Pastwa, Ius connubii Today – Legal and Pastoral Perspective
- Lucjan Świto, Resolution in Favour of Marriage – an Oppressive Relic of the Past? The favor matrimonii Principle in Contemporary Law
- Stanislav Přibyl, Pastoral Care of Youth in the Czech Republic – Legal Aspects
Part Three
- Marta Majorek, Kod YouTube. Od kultury partycypacji do kultury kreatywności
— Michał Drożdż - Maria Teresa Lizisowa, Komunikacyjna teoria języka prawnego — Michał Drożdż
- Michał Gierycz, Europejski spór o człowieka Studium z antropologii politycznej — Arkadiusz Wuwer
- Klinika Dziennikarstwa — Credo. Eds. Kazimierz Wolny-Zmorzyński, Katarzyna Konarska — Alojzy Drożdż
- Twarze Świętości, Eds. Katarzyna Dybeł, Zofia Zarębianka — Alojzy Drożdż
Jerguš Olejár, Cyril Jeruzalemský a Martin Luther – Lucjan Klimsza - Jerzy Sojka, Czytanie Reformatora. Marcin Luter i jego pisma — Józef Budniak
Billy Graham: „Ewangelizator w rozdartym świecie”. Studium ekumeniczne. Ed. Adam Palion — Adam Palion
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„Ecumeny and Law” 2018, Vol. 6: Remaining United in Diversity
Józef Budniak, Nicolae V. Dură, Ginter Dzierżon, Tomasz Gałkowski, Zygfryd Glaeser, Michał Hucał, Przemysław Kantyka, Cătălina Mititelu, Andrzej Pastwa, Stanislav Přibyl, Wilhelm Rees, Robert Samsel, Jerzy Szymik, red. Andrzej Pastwa
The jubilee context of the 50th anniversary of publishing the Ecumenical Directory became an opportunity to undertake an ecumenical and legal contemplation in the next volume of the annual. This valuable document – used to widely promote and apply the doctrinal, spiritual and pastoral principles embedded in the Vaticanum II documents and the implementation of conciliar ecumenical ideas in the canon law – “has given a most valuable service in directing, coordinating and developing the ecumenical effort” (John Paul II). The leitmotif of this meeting, in the periodical, of theologians, canonists and lawyers from Central Europe, representing the three trends in one Christ Church, is the title formula “united in diversity” (cf. Ecumenical Directory, 2nd ed., 1993, no. 16). The various tones in the development of this formula come to the forefront in the texts of the first, theological part of the volume. The Catholic authors show, in a personalistic, Christological perspective, the appeal of Christ for unity as an incessant imperative of the conscience of a Christian and an appropriate answer to this appeal: a dialog – as a reality immanently connected with the effort of reformation, i.e. turning own heart and our neighbor’s heart towards the Truth. Whereas Joseph Ratzinger’s ecclesiological thought suggesting that ‘the division – as long as the Lord allows for it – may also be fruitful, may lead to greater riches of faith and in this way pave the way to the Church that is both diverse and unite” is pertinent, we should acknowledge that the way to communion is, as a matter of fact, the gift of God, and as such it escapes human possibilities (J. Szymik). Indeed, the dynamics of reaching this communion is defined by the way Spirit of God acts. The variety of his gifts contributes to the fact that the very concept is characterized by multitude and diversity. In turn, ecumenism bears good fruit only when it triggers an increase of respect in the mutual relations between Christians and Churches „There, where the parties are open to a dialog, there is a chance to get to know the partner better and as a result a chance to mutually respect his or her beliefs and the way of experiencing faith”. (Z. Glaeser). In the presented Eastern Orthodox standpoint – the evidence of Church’s engagement in the contemporary promotion of practical ecumenism today is being on guard of the Christian heritage and strengthening the spiritual foundations of Europe through the evangelical testimony of universal dialog, in which what is essential is the dialog with non-Christian religions and “the dialogue with culture and the sciences” (Pope Francis); obviously in the attitude of affirmation of own identity and authenticity of faith, i.e. faithfulness to Revelation: inspired texts of the Bible and of the Holy Tradition dogmatical, canonical and liturgical (C. Mititelu). According to the Eastern Orthodox theologian – the center of gravity of “uniting in diversity” is located in the very center of the Church testimony of faith, namely in the painstaking care of Churches for a diligent preaching of the Gospel and the authenticity of the delivered sacraments. „For this reason, it is extremely important to undertake a sacramental dialogue in the sphere of the Lord’s Supper, also in the Polish ecumenical conditions” (M. Hucał). The texts included in the second part of the volume show a range of issues, in which the ecumenical paradigm finds explicite or implicite its legal and institutional expression. The review section includes a presentation of interesting books, mostly related to the subject matter of the volume.
Part One
Ecumenical Theological Thought
- Jerzy Szymik, Unity through Diversity. J. Ratzinger’s/Benedict XVI’s Ecumenical Theses and Questions
- Michał Hucał, The Theological Aspects of the Road to Christian Unity in Polish Lutheranism in the Light of Church Documents
- Cătălina Mititelu, About the Ecumenical Directory of 1993. An Orthodox Perspective
- Zygfryd Glaeser, Dialogue as an Ecumenical Paradigm in the Context of the Ecumenical
- Przemysław Kantyka, Communicatio in spiritualibus: Sharing Spiritual Activity and Resources with our Separated Brethren according to the Ecumenical Directory
- Robert Samsel, Constantine the Great – a Precursor of Ecumenism?
- Józef Budniak, Polish Ecumenism as a Movement Towards Unity in Diversity
Part Two
Ecumenical Juridical Thought
- Wilhelm Rees, Ecumenical Cooperation in the Field of Catechesis, Religious Education and Universities as Well as communicatio in sacris according to the Ecumenical Directory
- Ginter Dzierżon, The Reception of the 1993 Ecumenical Directory in the Documents of Episcopal Conferences Concerning Mixed Marriages
- Stanislav Přibyl, The Limits of Ecumenical Relationships
- Andrzej Pastwa, Sensus fidei fidelium. Legal and Ecumenical Reflection
- Nicolae V. Dură, The Celebration of the Holy Easter on the same Date, an Eloquent Testimony of Our Unity in Diversity
- Tomasz Gałkowski, Christian Conscience as a Sign of Unity in the Ecumenical Dialogue
- Piotr Majer, Sponsors for Baptism, Confirmation and Witnesses for Marriage. Ecumenical Perspective
- Damián Němec, Ecumenical Aspects of Financing of Churches and Religious Communities in the Czech Republic
- Monika Menke, Ecumenical Aspects of Health Care Chaplaincy in the Czech Republic
Part Three
- Lublin – miasto zgody religijnej. Ekumenizm w historii, teologii, kulturze [Lublin – the City of Religious Agreement. Ecumenism in History, Theology, Culture], eds. Sławomir Pawłowski, Sławomir Jacek Żurek, Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2017, 407 pp. — Józef Budniak
- Ewangelickie Prawo Kościelne 1918‒2018. Zbiór tekstów prawnych kościołów ewangelickich w Polsce [Evangelical Canon Law 1918‒2018. Collection of Legal Texts of the Evangelical Churches in Poland], eds. Marcin Hintz, Michał Hucał, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe ChAT, 2018, 697 pp. — Józef Budniak
- Conclusion of Marriage by Proxy in the Internal Law of Churches and Other Religious Associations, ed. L. Świto, M. Tomkiewicz, [Studi Giuridici vol. CXXIII], Città del Vaticano: LEV, 2018, pp. 211 — Damián Němec
- Jan Hus: Życie i dzieło. W 600 rocznicę śmierci [Jan Hus ‒ Life and Legacy. On the 600th Anniversary of His Death], eds. Anna Paner i Marcin Hintz, Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2016, 199 pp. — Michał Hucał
- Wspólnota Kościołów Ewangelickich w Europie. Wybór dokumentów [The Community of Protestant Churches in Europe. Selection of documents], ed. Karol Karski, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Warto, 2018, 496 pp. — Michał Hucał
- Monika Miczka-Pajestka, Opowiadanie rzeczywistości. Konwergencja i jej przejawy a możliwości ponowoczesnego „bycia” w świecie [Narrating Reality: Convergence and Its Manifestations and Possibilities of Postmodern “Being” in the Word], Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2018, 251 pp. — Marek Rembierz
„Ecumeny and Law” 2019, Vol. 7: Idea of Synodality: Contexts, Challenges, and Perspectives (I)
Nicolae V. Dură, Wojciech Góralski, Marcin Hintz, Lucia Madleňakova, Cătălina Mititelu, Andrzej Pastwa, Przemysław Sawa, Sławomir Zieliński
ed. Andrzej Pastwa
An open forum provided for the legal thought, gives the Church an occasion to engage in dialogue with the world that concerns the way of implementing such universal principles as: respect for life, dignity and rights of the human being, freedom, tolerance and, in a wider social dimension – advocating the value of marriage, family, as well as solidarity with the less fortunate. The need to perpetuate this dialogue has found its actualization in a canonic periodical “Ecumeny and Law”. Therein, the meeting of theologians representing various Christian Churches, and more broadly, the encounter of scholars affiliated to ecumenical movement, with the representatives of legal studies – has as its aim the demonstration of full ecumenical potential of the canon law. The kernel of this dialogue is to call for human being’s subjectivity and unalienable rights, to champion justice, which – in practical terms translates into ensuring the “here-and-now” justice within the basic communities: marriages and families, and consequently – within the societies and nations of nowadays Europe. The said perspective is a guiding principle for the Authors/co-creators of the 7th volume of the journal, devoted to the titular “Idea of Synodality”. The subject of the scientific contemplation is one of the parameters of self-identification of the Christ Church, determinants of her renewal in the spirit of communio, and first and foremost the litmus paper of the responsibility of all baptized for the realization of, universal in its humanism, Church’s mission.
Part One
Ecumenical Theological Thought
- Wojciech Góralski, Diocesan Synod Today. In What Shape?
- Nicolae V. Dură, The Regime of the Synodality in the Eastern Church of the First Millennium and Its Canonical Basis
- Cătălina Mititelu, The Council of Metropolitan See and Its Canonical Basis. An Orthodox Approach
- Marcin Hintz, Synod as the Embodiment of the Church – the Evolution of Lutheran Understanding of Synodality
- Andrzej Pastwa, Synodality – Participation – Co-Responsibility. Remarks on the Determinants of the Aggiornamento of the Church Law
- Przemysław Sawa, Synodality, Discernment, Catholic Movements
Part Two
- Laurent Schlumberger: À l’Église qui vient. Lyon: Olivétan, 2017, 316 pp.— Sławomir Zieliński
- Antonio Sorrentino: Zreformować reformę [Riforma della riforma]. Trans. A. Żądło. Kielce: Wydawnictwo Jedność, 2019, 260 pp. — Przemysław Sawa
- Registrácia cirkví a náboženských spoločností v zemiach Vyšehradskej štvorky, Rakúsku a na Ukrajine (Registration of Churches and Religious Societies in the Visegrad Four Countries, Austria and Ukraine). Ed. Damián Němec. Praha: Leges, 2019, 320 pp. — Lucia Madleňakova
„Ecumeny and Law” 2020, Vol. 8: Idea of Synodality: Contexts, Challenges, and Perspectives (II)
Stephan Haering, Piotr Kroczek, Adrian Loretan, Monika Menke, Wilhelm Rees, Przemysław Sawa, Ondrej Štefaňak,
ed. Andrzej Pastwa
An open forum provided for the legal thought, gives the Church an occasion to engage in dialogue with the world that concerns the way of implementing such universal principles as: respect for life, dignity and rights of the human being, freedom, tolerance and, in a wider social dimension – advocating the value of marriage, family, as well as solidarity with the less fortunate. The need to perpetuate this dialogue has found its actualization in a canonic periodical “Ecumeny and Law”. Therein, the meeting of theologians representing various Christian Churches, and more broadly, the encounter of scholars affiliated to ecumenical movement, with the representatives of legal studies – has as its aim the demonstration of full ecumenical potential of the canon law. The kernel of this dialogue is to call for human being’s subjectivity and unalienable rights, to champion justice, which – in practical terms translates into ensuring the “here-and-now” justice within the basic communities: marriages and families, and consequently – within the societies and nations of nowadays Europe. The said perspective is a guiding principle for the Authors/co-creators of the 7th volume of the journal, devoted to the titular “Idea of Synodality”. The subject of the scientific contemplation is one of the parameters of self-identification of the Christ Church, determinants of her renewal in the spirit of communio, and first and foremost the litmus paper of the responsibility of all baptized for the realization of, universal in its humanism, Church’s mission.
Part One
Ecumenical Juridical Thought
- Piotr Kroczek, Diocesan Synod from the Catholic and Lutheran Perspectives
- Stephan Haering, Synods and Synodal Processes in Germany after the Second Vatican Council
- Wilhelm Rees, Synods and Synodality in Austrian Church after Second Vatican Council
- Adrian Loretan, Swiss Synodality after Vatican II
- Monika Menke, Plenary Council in the Czech Republic (1997-2005)
Part Two
- Wiosna Kościoła. Odnowa Charyzmatyczna w dokumentach episkopatów i komisji teologicznych różnych krajów świata (Spring of the Church. Charismatic Renewal in the Documents of the Episcopal Commissions for Theology around the World). Eds. J. Salamon, A. Liberadzka, M. Sowińska. Cieszyn: Wydawnictwo Zacheusz, 2019, 334 pp. — Przemysław Sawa
- Janusz Mariański: Nowa religijność i duchowość – mit czy rzeczywistość? (New Religiosity and Spirituality – Myth or Reality?). Warszawa: Warszawskie Wydawnictwo Socjologiczne 2019, 265 pp. — Ondrej Štefaňak
- Spiritual Care in Public Institution in Europe. Eds. Jiří Rajmund Tretera and Záboj Horák. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2019, 140 pp. — Monika Menke
“Ecumeny and Law” 2021, Vol. 9/1: Migration – Ecumenism – Integration (I)
Janusz Balicki, Józef Budniak, Zdzisław J. Kijas, Lucjan Klimsza, Cătălina Mititelu, Stanislav Přibyl, Przemysław Sawa, Jerzy Sojka,
ed. Andrzej Pastwa
An open forum provided for the legal thought, gives the Church an occasion to engage in dialogue with the world that concerns the way of implementing such universal principles as: respect for life, dignity and rights of the human being, freedom, tolerance and, in a wider social dimension – advocating the value of marriage, family, as well as solidarity with the poor, the weak and socially excluded. The need to perpetuate this dialogue has found its actualization in a canonic periodical Ecumeny and Law. Therein, the meeting of theologians representing various Christian Churches, and more broadly, the encounter of scholars affiliated to ecumenical movement, with the representatives of legal studies – has as its aim the demonstration of full ecumenical potential of the canon law. The kernel of this dialogue is to call for human being’s subjectivity and unalienable rights, to champion justice, which – in practical terms translates into ensuring the “here-and-now” justice within the basic communities: marriages and families, and consequently – within the societies and nations of nowadays Europe.
The main current of the scientific contemplation, announced by the means of the title of the two volumes of the 2021 is concentrated on the issue, which constitutes a serious challenge for the contemporary World and is at present – as Pope Francis claims – an urgent evangelization and charity priority of the Church. Indeed, as the present research findings show all Christian churches declare support for the world community and particular communities in solving the pressing problem of migration – since it is the topic here. The thing concerns – within a global perspective – the search of effective system and legal-institutional solutions, and within the personal perspective – an effective promotion of the idea of solidarity towards migrants and refugees. “Welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating migrants and refugees” (Francis, Message for the 104th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, 14 January 2018) – this is the specific scope of this universal mission.
Part One
Ecumenical Theological Thought
- Zdzisław J. Kijas, Migration – Ecumenism – Integration
- Stanislav Přibyl, Participative Decision-Making of the Faithful in the Church
- Cătălina Mititelu, The Service of the Romanian Orthodox Church to Migrants
- Jerzy Sojka, Lutheran Service to the Migrants. Global and Polish Experiences
- Przemysław Sawa, Migrations and Spirituality in Europe. A Catholic Voice Inspired by the Thought of Pope Francis
- Janusz Balicki, Islamophobia in Poland in the Context of the Migration Crisis in Europe
Part Two
- „Od konfliktu do komunii”. Wokół relacji międzywyznaniowych w Polsce [“From Conflict to Communion”. Around Interdenominational Relations in Poland]. Eds. J. Budniak, J. Kempa. Katowice: Księgarnia św. Jacka, 2020, 174 pp. — Przemysław Sawa
- Sven Ove Hansson: The Ethics of Risk. Ethical Analysis in an Uncertain World. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 172 pp. — Lucjan Klimsza
- Łukasz Pondel: Christology of the pro-existence of Archbishop Alfons Nossol. Opole: Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2019, 246 pp. — Józef Budniak
“Ecumeny and Law” 2021, Vol. 9/2: Migration – Ecumenism – Integration (II)
Józef Budniak, Nicolae V. Dură, Tomasz Gałkowski, Michał Hucał, Piotr Kroczek, Damián Němec, Andrzej Pastwa, Stanislav Přibyl, Wilhelm Rees,
ed. Andrzej Pastwa
An open forum provided for the legal thought, gives the Church an occasion to engage in dialogue with the world that concerns the way of implementing such universal principles as: respect for life, dignity and rights of the human being, freedom, tolerance and, in a wider social dimension – advocating the value of marriage, family, as well as solidarity with the poor, the weak and socially excluded. The need to perpetuate this dialogue has found its actualization in a canonic periodical Ecumeny and Law. Therein, the meeting of theologians representing various Christian Churches, and more broadly, the encounter of scholars affiliated to ecumenical movement, with the representatives of legal studies – has as its aim the demonstration of full ecumenical potential of the canon law. The kernel of this dialogue is to call for human being’s subjectivity and unalienable rights, to champion justice, which – in practical terms translates into ensuring the “here-and-now” justice within the basic communities: marriages and families, and consequently – within the societies and nations of nowadays Europe.
The main current of the scientific contemplation, announced by the means of the title of the two volumes of the 2021 is concentrated on the issue, which constitutes a serious challenge for the contemporary World and is at present – as Pope Francis claims – an urgent evangelization and charity priority of the Church. Indeed, as the present research findings show all Christian churches declare support for the world community and particular communities in solving the pressing problem of migration – since it is the topic here. The thing concerns – within a global perspective – the search of effective system and legal-institutional solutions, and within the personal perspective – an effective promotion of the idea of solidarity towards migrants and refugees. “Welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating migrants and refugees” (Francis, Message for the 104th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, 14 January 2018) – this is the specific scope of this universal mission.
Part One
Ecumenical Juridical Thought
- Andrzej Pastwa, “Accompanying Migrants” as a Touchstone of the Realization of the Synodal Church Idea. A Canonist’s Remarks
- Wilhelm Rees, Pastoral Care for Migrants. Canonical and Religious Related Legal Requirements on Asylum and on the Change of Religion
- Damián Němec, Pastoral Care of Migrants in the Catholic Church in the Czech Republic
- Tomasz Gałkowski, Migration in the Human Rights Context
- Nicolae V. Dură, The Legal Status of “Migrants” According to the European Union Legislation
- Michał Hucał, Challenges Related to the Increase of Religious Diversity in the Light of the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights
- Piotr Kroczek, Cross-Border Flow of Personal Data in the Context of Emigration of the Faithful of the Catholic Church from Poland
Part Two
- Lucjan Świto: Zawarcie małżeństwa przez pełnomocnika w formie wyznaniowej ze skutkami cywilnymi w prawie polskim [Entering into a marriage by proxy in the denominational form with civil consequences under Polish law]. Olsztyn: Wydawnictwo UWM, 2019, 254 pp. — Józef Budniak
- Jiří Rajmund Tretera, Záboj Horák: Právní dějiny církví. Synagoga a církve v průběhu dějin [Legal History of Churches, Synagogue and Churches yesterday and today]. Praha: Leges, 2019, 288 pp. — Stanislav Přibyl
- Jirí Dvorácek: Die Apostolische Exarchie in der Tschechischen Republik: Studien zur Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft einer griechisch-katholischen Ostkirche. [Eichstätter Studien – Neue Folge. Band 83]. Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 2020. 272 pp. — Damián Němec
“Ecumeny and Law” 2022, Vol. 10/1: “Ut unum sint” (I)
Bogdan Biela, Józef Budniak, Andrzej Choromański, Lucjan Klimsza, Paweł Pielka, Przemysław Sawa, Ondrej Štefaňak, Lukáš de la Vega Nosek,
ed. Andrzej Pastwa
An open forum provided for the legal thought, gives the Church an occasion to engage in dialogue with the world that concerns the way of implementing such universal principles as: respect for life, dignity and rights of the human being, freedom, tolerance and, in a wider social dimension – advocating the value of marriage, family, as well as solidarity with the poor, the weak and socially excluded. The need to perpetuate this dialogue has found its actualization in a canonic periodical Ecumeny and Law. Therein, the meeting of theologians representing various Christian Churches, and more broadly, the encounter of scholars affiliated to ecumenical movement, with the representatives of legal studies – has as its aim the demonstration of full ecumenical potential of the canon law. The kernel of this dialogue is to call for human being’s subjectivity and unalienable rights, to champion justice, which – in practical terms translates into ensuring the “here-and-now” justice within the basic communities: marriages and families, and consequently – within the societies and nations of nowadays Europe.
The next two volumes of the semiannual journal constitute the fruit of an anniversary reflection on an important document by John Paul II – the first ever encyclical on ecumenism. The encyclical Ut Unum Sint carries a great papal memento, articulated 30 years after the end of the Second Vatican Council: “the Catholic Church committed herself irrevocably to following the path of the ecumenical venture” (UUS 3), meaning that the third millennium will face the great task of restoring lost unity (cf. UUS 100; Card. Kurt Koch). Such a broad perspective is drawn by the encyclical’s prophetic passage: “The increase of communion, accompanied by a reform that is continuous and carried out in the light of the Apostolic Tradition is certainly, in the present circumstances of Christians, one of the distinctive and most important aspects of ecumenism. Moreover, it is an essential guarantee for its future” (UUS 17). While, according to the great Pope of the Millennium, this document (along with other ecumenical documents) provides “a sure foundation for further study” (ibid.), it is fair to believe that all the Authors of the submitted texts were guided by this very motto. As it was announced in the opening article of the two-volume collection by Rev. Andrzej Choromański from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity – “[The encyclical Ut Unum Sint] explored anew in the ecumenical dialogue against the background of the current condition of Christianity may be a source of inspiration for the search for a fresh vision for the ecumenical movement in the 21st century”.
Part One
Ecumenical Theological Thought
- Andrzej Choromański, Quanta est nobis via? Re-reading Ut Unum Sint 25 Years Later
- Paweł Pielka, Yves Congar as a Precursor to Catholic Principles of Ecumenism
- Lucjan Klimsza, From Pilgrim to Local. The Problem of Unity in Postmodern Philosophy
- Przemysław Sawa, Ut Unum Sint: New Areas of Spiritual and Pastoral Ecumenism
- Ondrej Štefaňak, Perception of the Encyclical Ut Unum Sint in the Environment of Slovak Youth
- Józef Budniak Reception of the Encyclical Ut Unum Sint in Cieszyn Silesia
Part Two
- Marek Marczewski: Leiturgia-martyria-diakonia. Koinonia. Lublin 2021, 311 pp. – Bogdan Biela
- Bishara Ebeid: La Tunica di al-Masīḥ. La Cristologia delle grandi confessioni cristiane dell´Oriente nel X e XI secolo. Roma: Valore Italiano, 2019, 741 pp. – Lukáš de la Vega Nosek
- Michał Sadowski: The Trinitarian Analogies in the Christian Arab Apologetic Texts (750-1050). Series Syro-Arabica. Vol. 7. Cordoba: CNERU/ Beyrouth: CEDRAC, 2019, 307 pp. – Lukáš de la Vega Nosek
“Ecumeny and Law” 2022, Vol. 10/2: “Ut Unum Sint” (II)
Nicolae V. Dură, Jiri Dvořáček, Tomasz Gałkowski, Catalina Mititelu, Andrzej Pastwa, Stanislav Přibyl, Wilhelm Rees, Marek Rembierz, ed. Andrzej Pastwa
An open forum provided for the legal thought, gives the Church an occasion to engage in dialogue with the world that concerns the way of implementing such universal principles as: respect for life, dignity and rights of the human being, freedom, tolerance and, in a wider social dimension – advocating the value of marriage, family, as well as solidarity with the poor, the weak and socially excluded. The need to perpetuate this dialogue has found its actualization in a canonic periodical Ecumeny and Law. Therein, the meeting of theologians representing various Christian Churches, and more broadly, the encounter of scholars affiliated to ecumenical movement, with the representatives of legal studies – has as its aim the demonstration of full ecumenical potential of the canon law. The kernel of this dialogue is to call for human being’s subjectivity and unalienable rights, to champion justice, which – in practical terms translates into ensuring the “here-and-now” justice within the basic communities: marriages and families, and consequently – within the societies and nations of nowadays Europe.
The next two volumes of the semiannual journal constitute the fruit of an anniversary reflection on an important document by John Paul II – the first ever encyclical on ecumenism. The encyclical Ut Unum Sint carries a great papal memento, articulated 30 years after the end of the Second Vatican Council: “the Catholic Church committed herself irrevocably to following the path of the ecumenical venture” (UUS 3), meaning that the third millennium will face the great task of restoring lost unity (cf. UUS 100; Card. Kurt Koch). Such a broad perspective is drawn by the encyclical’s prophetic passage: “The increase of communion, accompanied by a reform that is continuous and carried out in the light of the Apostolic Tradition is certainly, in the present circumstances of Christians, one of the distinctive and most important aspects of ecumenism. Moreover, it is an essential guarantee for its future” (UUS 17). While, according to the great Pope of the Millennium, this document (along with other ecumenical documents) provides “a sure foundation for further study” (ibid.), it is fair to believe that all the Authors of the submitted texts were guided by this very motto. As it was announced in the opening article of the two-volume collection by Rev. Andrzej Choromański from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity – “[The encyclical Ut Unum Sint] explored anew in the ecumenical dialogue against the background of the current condition of Christianity may be a source of inspiration for the search for a fresh vision for the ecumenical movement in the 21st century”.
Part One
Ecumenical Juridical Thought
- Stanislav Přibyl, Normative Sources of the EncyclicalUt Unum Sint
- Andrzej Pastwa, “Love Builds Communion between Persons” (UUS, n. 21). Christological-Ecclesiological Key to Confirm the Identify of Marriages of Baptized Non-Catholics
- Wilhelm Rees, Joint Statements of the Responsible Persons of the Christian Communities on Important Questions in Austria According to the Wishes of Ut Unum Sint (n. 43)
- Nicolae V. Dură, The Requirements for an Oecumenical Dialogue according to Pope John Paul II’s Encyclical Letter Ut Unum Sint
- Jiri Dvořáček, Sharing the Eucharist? Critical Comments from a Canonical Perspective on the Statement “Together at the Lord’s Table” (2019) of the Ecumenical Study Group of Protestant and Catholic Theologians
- Catalina Mititelu, Pope John Paul II’s Encyclical Letter Ut Unum Sint and its Praiseworthy Contribution to the Cause of Christian Unity
- Tomasz Gałkowski, Conscience – Synodality – Ecumenism
Part Two
- Jurij Popovič: Hierarchical organization of the Church according to the CCEO. Ljubljana: KUD Apokalipsa, 2021, 379 pp. — Stanislav Přibyl
- Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe – Czech Republic. Compiled, Annotated and Authored by Damián Němec & Zora Hesová. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021, 130 pp. — Stanislav Přibyl
- Maciej Woźniczka: Idee czy ideologie? Znaczenie i wartość edukacji filozoficznej [Ideas or Ideologies? The Meaning and Value of Philosophical Education]. Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczego im. Jana Długosza, 2021, 208 pp. — Marek Rembierz
“Ecumeny and Law” 2023, Vol. 11/1: Marriage Processes in the 21st Century
Tomasz Gałkowski, Przemysław Kisiel, Piotr Kroczek, Damian Němec, Monika Menke, Catalina Mititelu, Bogdan Moise, Andrzej Pastwa, Jurij Popovič, Ewa Rott-Pietrzyk, Paweł Ulman,
ed. Andrzej Pastwa
Part One
Ecumenical Juridical Thought
- Andrzej Pastwa, The fides – sacramentum matrimonii Relationship in the Post-Synodal Era (2015–). A New Concept of Response to Doctrinal Impulses
- Monika Menke, Damian Němec, Church Tribunals during the Covid-19 Epidemic
- Jurij Popovič, The Briefer Matrimonial Process Before the Bishop and Ecclesiastical Divorce in the Orthodox Churches
- Przemysław Kisiel, Piotr Kroczek, Paweł Ulman, What Can Be Said About the Condition of the Contemporary Polish Family in the Light of Marriage Annulment? The Research Findings
- Ewa Rott-Pietrzyk, The Importance of the Principles of Social Coexistence for Divorce in the Context of Cultural and Social Changes – a Polish Perspective
- Cătălina Mititelu, Bogdan Moise, The Right to the Marriage According to the Provisions of the Main Legal Instruments of the U.N. and U.E.
Part Two
- Jurij Popovič: Hierarchical organization of the Church according to the CCEO. Ljubljana: KUD Apokalipsa, 2021, 379 pp. — Stanislav Přibyl
- Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe – Czech Republic. Compiled, Annotated and Authored by Damián Němec & Zora Hesová. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021, 130 pp. — Stanislav Přibyl
- Maciej Wozniczka: Idee czy ideologie? Znaczenie i wartość edukacji filozoficznej [Ideas or Ideologies? The Meaning and Value of Philosophical Education]. Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczego im. Jana Długosza, 2021, 208 pp. — Marek Rembierz
“Ecumeny and Law” 2023, Vol. 11/2: Matrimonia mixta
Nicolae V. Dură, Tomasz Gałkowski, Damian Němec, Stanislav Přibyl, Jurij Popovič, Przemysław Sawa, Jacek Szczot,
ed. Andrzej Pastwa
Part One
Ecumenical Juridical Thought
- Stanislav Přibyl, Marriage Between Christians: Historical Dynamics and Canonical Perspective
- Nicolae V. Dură, About the Religious Marriage From the Marriage by Confarreatio to the Marriage as Sacrament (μυστήριον/sacramentum)
- Tomasz Gałkowski, The Upbringing of Offspring in Mixed Marriages in a Historical Perspective Damián Němec, Legal Regulation of Care for Mixed Marriages in Selected Central European Countries: Comparison and Proposals
- Jurij Popovič, Mixed Marriages with the Orthodox in the Metropolitan Church sui iuris in Slovakia – History and Present
- Przemysław Sawa, Matrimonia mixta – Doctrine, Law, and Spirituality. Reality and Challenges
Part Two
- Jakub Kříž: Nepatřičné právo. Příspěvky ke studiu nespravedlivých zákonů [Impertinent Law. Contributions to the Studies of Unjust Law]. Praha: Leges, 2022 – Stanislav Pribyl
- Róbert Gyuri: Zákon o slobode náboženskej viery a postavení cirkví a náboženských společnosti. Komentár [Law on Freedom of Religious Belief and the Status of Churches and Religious Societies. Commentary]. Bratislava: Wolters Kluwer 2021 – Damián Němec
- Tomasz Terlikowski: Rozdzieleni bracia Szeptyccy, historia Polski i Ukrainy [The Separated Sheptytsky Brothers, History of Poland and Ukraine]. Kraków: WAM, 2023 – Jacek Szczot
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- Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)
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