Tomy w przygotowaniu

W przygotowaniu:

“Ecumeny and Law” 2024, Vol. 12/1: Ecclesia in Europa

“Ecumeny and Law” 2024, Vol. 12/2: Ecclesia in Europa

“Ecumeny and Law” 2025, Vol. 13/1: Decade of Hope. Ten Years of Pope Francis’ Pontificate

“Ecumeny and Law” 2025, Vol. 13/2: Decade of Hope. Ten Years of Pope Francis’ Pontificate

“Ecumeny and Law” 2026, Vol. 14/1: The Laity in the Church: Communion, Participation, Mission

“Ecumeny and Law” 2026, Vol. 14/2: The Laity in the Church: Communion, Participation, Mission